Start Search

Enter your search criteria below. This individual may be the operator of a vehicle, a passenger in the vehicle, a pedestrian, or a witness. You may also search by crash location, crash date, or by investigating police department.

The search will have more refined results when more information is submitted.

Please note: there are many individuals with similar names and dates of birth. It is your responsibility to ensure that the records accessed through this site pertain to the individual about whom you are seeking information.

For additional information and helpful hints on crash searches read the search tips.

Crach Incident ID Number

CRASH INCIDENT ID NUMBER: (If available, please indicate only Crash Incident ID Number).


To search by name, you should enter a first name, last name, and date of birth for the individual in the crash.

Crash Date

Provide the exact date the crash occurred, if known. If the exact date of the crash is not known, you may enter a date range to search.

Date Range of Crash

Crash Location

Indicate where the crash occurred, by selecting the town or the investigating police department below.


Questions about this Service? Contact Maine State Police Traffic Division at:(207)624-8944 or Email: