The online service makes it possible for manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to manage the list of registered beverage container labels for transport and sale into the State of Maine. Through the online service, existing container label registrations can be renewed and label registrations can be added. Also, Contracted Agents can obtain required licenses with this service.
To determine if you product is subject to Maine's Returnable Beverage Container Redemption Law, please visit Maine DEP's website.
If you are accessing this portal to register beverage containers for the first time, you will need to create an account for your business. DO NOT create a new account if your business has an account already. Create a new account here. If you are having issues accessing your current account or your business name or contact person has changed, please contact DEP for further assistance.
Services Currently Available
- Beverage Container Label Registration
- Contracted Agent Licenses
Questions about this Service? Contact DEP at: (207) 287-7688 or email:
Sign In
If you are having issues with accessing your account, please contact DEP for further assistance.